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3.7 years ago
I run the following command to generate a gvcf file.
gatk HaplotypeCaller -R dmel-all-chromosome-r6.36.fasta \
-I sample_43.sort.noDup.realign.bam \
-L 4 \
-O sample_43_chr4_test.g.vcf.gz
This gvcf file contains the StrandBiasBySample
or SB
annotation. And then I run GenotypeGVCFs
as following:
gatk GenotypeGVCFs -R dmel-all-chromosome-r6.36.fasta \
-V sample_43__chr4_test.g.vcf.gz \
-A StrandBiasBySample \
-O sample_43_chr4_test.vcf.gz
The SB
annotation disappeared in the final output vcf file sample_43_chr4_test.vcf.gz
! I want to keep the SB
annotation in the final vcf.
I was trying to google a solution, but failed.
Thanks in advance!
There is a post on GATK forum that may help: Missing annotations in the output callset VCF.
Have you tried to remove the "-A StrandBiasBySample" option from your GenotypeGVCFs command?
Yes, I've tried to remove
-A StrandBiasBySample
, but still noSB
annotation in the output vcf.