How to set variant FILTER in a VCF file based on overlap with regions in a BED file?
I guess this should be possible using e.g. bcftools
But the bcftools filter command can't do this annotation direct.
Seems like I first need to annotate the overlap in an INFO field.
Is there a way to set the FILTER status of a variant in 1 single command (without adding an INFO field) based on overlap of the variant with a region in a BED file?
Using bcftools or any other tool?
I tested and I think the last filtering should be:
In order to remove the
annotated SNPs.I wanted to keep the
SNPs, but just tabel these SNPs.If you just want to remove these SNPs, than it's much more straightforward to do something like
bedtools subtract -a input.vcf -b bad_region.bed