Dear colleagues,
I am conducting RNA-seq analysis for discovering viruses associated with plants. My pipeline is trimming data, mapping with the host genome and assemble the unmapped reads. Application of the BLASTn in galaxy server to the contigs obtained with local downloaded plant viruses genomes from NCBI. However, I am facing a tedious issue related to the match contigs in the output table where I get the accession number only of the viruses that match my contigs and this is tedious because I need to take the accession number to the NCBI to figure out the virus name for each one. Thus, could anyone help me to overcome this issue, please.
your question is a bit unclear, are you asking about matching an NCBI accession number to a scientific name?
show some parts of your file
Thanks for your response and please see below the table and I have determined the accession number column with red colour that I need it to be the name of viruses, not their accession number only.
Thank you so much for your attention and response. I have fixed the problem