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3.8 years ago
I have multiple BED/BIM/FAM files (from separate GWAS experiments) and I wish to create a merged set of these files. I am using the command:
plink --bfile myfile1 --merge-list all_my_files.txt --make-bed --out mymerged
my_files.txt has the format:
file2.bed file2.bim file2.fam
fileK.bed fileK.bim fileK.fam
The problem is I am merging the files for about 3000 samples (divided into about 34 GWAS runs). When I do a line count (wc -l ) for the resulting fam file from the merged exercise, I get about 2400. I want to know why is the information for almost 600 samples lost?
You might have duplicated IDs in your file*.fam?
How many unique lines do you get when you run
When I run this command for my merged.fam file, I get 2480. But originally, I had 34 bed,bim and fam files for 3061 samples which I merged to get the merged.bim, merged.fam and merged.bed files.
Also when I run this command in the folder having all my 34 separate .fam files, I get 2957. That means my merged.fam doesnt have the information for almost 500 samples.