Hi, I'm new to using GATK and I am currently facing the same issue when I want to run GenomicsDBImport following the pipeline that GATK. I ran Mutect2 in tumor only mode my set of normal BAMS, there were no errors according to the log files. Next, I ran GenomicsDBImport but I keep getting the following:
A USER ERROR has occurred: Bad input: GenomicsDBImport does not support GVCFs with MNPs. MNP found at 1:134834378 in VCF /mnt/Adenina/drobles/rarriaga/outputVC/Variant_Calling/GenomicsDBImport/MD6753c_PON.vcf
I'm currently working with gatk v.
The commands I run for Mutect2 tumor only mode are the following:
gatk Mutect2 -R /mnt/Adenina/drobles/rarriaga/outputVC/Variant_Calling/GRCm38_68.fa \
-I /mnt/Adenina/drobles/rarriaga/outputVC/Variant_Calling/MOUSE_GRCm38_pulldown_MD6753c.dupmarked.bam \
--max-mnp-distance 0 \
-O MD6753c_PON.vcf
(I ran the same structure for other 4 normal samples)
The GenomicsDBImport command:
gatk GenomicsDBImport -R /mnt/Adenina/drobles/rarriaga/outputVC/Variant_Calling/GenomicsDBImport/GRCm38_68.fa \
-L /mnt/Adenina/drobles/rarriaga/outputVC/Variant_Calling/GenomicsDBImport/Mouse_GRCm38_Exome_Targets_67.bed \
--genomicsdb-workspace-path pon_db \
-V /mnt/Adenina/drobles/rarriaga/outputVC/Variant_Calling/GenomicsDBImport/MD6753c_PON.vcf \
-V /mnt/Adenina/drobles/rarriaga/outputVC/Variant_Calling/GenomicsDBImport/MD6754c_PON.vcf \
-V /mnt/Adenina/drobles/rarriaga/outputVC/Variant_Calling/GenomicsDBImport/MD6755c_PON.vcf \
-V /mnt/Adenina/drobles/rarriaga/outputVC/Variant_Calling/GenomicsDBImport/MD6756c_PON.vcf \
-V /mnt/Adenina/drobles/rarriaga/outputVC/Variant_Calling/GenomicsDBImport/MD6758c_PON.vcf
The entire error log:
A USER ERROR has occurred: Bad input: GenomicsDBImport does not support GVCFs with MNPs. MNP found at 1:134834378 in VCF /mnt/Adenina/drobles/rarriaga/outputVC/Variant_Calling/GenomicsDBImport/MD6753c_PON.vcf
Is there any way to get around this issue?
Thanks in advance, I appreciate your help :)
Please use the formatting bar (especially the
option) to present your post better. You can use backticks for inline code (`text` becomestext
), or select a chunk of text and use the highlighted button to format it as a code block. If your code has long lines with a single command, break those lines into multiple lines with proper escape sequences so they're easier to read and still run when copy-pasted. I've done it for you this time.Rodolfo Adrián
Looks like you edited your post after I made the edit. Please see if you can format the post better. If not, I'll format it after a bit of time.