Why is VCFtools excluding invariable sites?
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3.5 years ago
raf.marcondes ▴ 110

I have a vcf file with all genomic sites including invariable, which I generated with the option --ALL-SITES in gatk GenotypeGVCFs. I want to filter that file for quality, coverage etc, but the VCFtools command below excludes all invariant sites. Why? It doesn't seem like it should. I wanna keep them (if they pass filters).

module load vcftools/0.1.14/INTEL-18.0.0

vcftools --gzvcf raw_unfiltered_ALLSITES.vcf --max-missing 0.5 --minQ 30 --minDP 5 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out temp
vcftools • 3.2k views
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Consider using bcftools instead. VCFtools has not been updated for a long time and it won't be updated (according to its author). bcftools acts more reasonably than VCFtools.

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Maybe describe more why you want to keep invariant sites in a variant call file? I think VCFs and vcftools are designed with the assumption that these files describe variants.

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I too have come across this thread looking for the same answer. . why: Basically, to use pixy (https://pixy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/about.html) they require invariant sites https://pixy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generating_invar/generating_invar.html#generating-allsites-vcfs-using-gatk , once you have the output file, it needs to be filtered. (yes I could have, should have, filtered all the g.vcf files first). But the gatk GenomicsDBImport step took weeeeeks to run ... I dont want to have to go back a step.

I will look into bcftools as an alternative

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It seems "--minQ 30" filtered out most of your invariant sites. Quality has a different meaning for invariant sites as it's to variant sites. You should follow the pixy guide, separate the allsite VCF into invariant.vcf and variant.vcf and filter them separately.

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2.7 years ago
Peter ▴ 10

found to solution here: https://pixy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/pixy_guide.html

copy and paste:

If your VCF contains both variant and invariant sites (as it should at this point), applying population genetic based filters will result in the loss of your invariant sites. To avoid this, filter the invariant and variant sites separately and concatenate the two resulting files. Below is an example of one way to achieve this using VCFtool and BCFtools:

# requires bcftools/bgzip/tabix and vcftools

# create a filtered VCF containing only invariant sites
vcftools --gzvcf test.vcf.gz \
--max-maf 0 \
[add other filters for invariant sites here] \
--recode --stdout | bgzip -c > test_invariant.vcf.gz

# create a filtered VCF containing only variant sites
vcftools --gzvcf test.vcf.gz \
--mac 1 \
[add other filters for variant sites here] \
--recode --stdout | bgzip -c > test_variant.vcf.gz

# index both vcfs using tabix
tabix test_invariant.vcf.gz
tabix test_variant.vcf.gz

# combine the two VCFs using bcftools concat
bcftools concat \
--allow-overlaps \
test_variant.vcf.gz test_invariant.vcf.gz \
-O z -o test_filtered.vcf.gz

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