Hi, I am having trouble with this MOFA Tutorial in R: https://raw.githack.com/bioFAM/MOFA2_tutorials/master/R_tutorials/10x_scRNA_scATAC.html
Yesterday, the commands were working but today R stalled on this particular command:
seurat <- seurat %>%
.[,seurat@meta.data$pass_accQC==TRUE & seurat@meta.data$pass_rnaQC==TRUE]
I tried to redo the run but now it keeps stalling on the following command, which is to download the data:
seurat <- readRDS(url("ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/mofa/10x_rna_atac_vignette/seurat.rds"))
R studio displays the red octagonal symbol at the top right corner, indicating it is running the code, but never completes the command. Both commands were working fine yesterday but I haven't been able to get it to work today or figure out what the issue is yet. Do you have any suggestions?
...besides, wget has a
option to resume the download of a partial file without restarting from start.I think it was an internet issue, thank you for your response!