Using R, data.table reshaping twice:
# example input for two genes, assuming every row has the same number of columns
d <- read.table(text ="
2-1 3-1 3-2 4-1 4-2 4-3
GeneA 0.514 0.535 0.436 0.530 0.388 0.418
GeneB 0.111 0.222 0.333 0.444 0.555 0.666",
check.names = FALSE)
# keep the gene names
d$Gene <- rownames(d)
# reshape wide-to-long
d <- melt(d, id.vars = "Gene")
# split on "-", apply factor levels for long-to-wide reshape with "fill"
d[, c("c1", "c2") := tstrsplit(variable, split = "-", fixed = TRUE)]
d[, c("c1", "c2") := lapply(.SD, factor, levels = 1:max(c(c1, c2))), .SDcols = c("c1", "c2") ]
d <- dcast(d, Gene + c1 ~ c2, drop = FALSE)
# split on gene names and convert to matrix
lapply(split(d[, -(1:2)], d$Gene), as.matrix)
# $GeneA
# 1 2 3 4
# [1,] NA NA NA NA
# [2,] 0.514 NA NA NA
# [3,] 0.535 0.436 NA NA
# [4,] 0.530 0.388 0.418 NA
# $GeneB
# 1 2 3 4
# [1,] NA NA NA NA
# [2,] 0.111 NA NA NA
# [3,] 0.222 0.333 NA NA
# [4,] 0.444 0.555 0.666 NA
Explain a little bit more. You have thousands of files just with 1 line and you want to put them together? If so, a simple
command will do the trick.Thank you so much for your reply I am sorry for confusing question. I already have file in gene by gene I need to create matrix for each row data. I have thousand of gene data. so I need to create matrix file for each. I split my file so that I can create matrix file for each.
Thank you so much!