For a reason i can't really understand I am not able to impute a vcf with beagle only after filtering it with vcftools. the filtering is really stright forward and i have used it hundreds of times. this is how I filter the vcf
vcftools --gzvcf ${path}${file}.vcf.gz --remove-indels --max-missing ${maxM} --maf ${maf} --minQ ${minQ} --out ${path}${file}_filterd_minQ${minQ}_maxM${maxM}_maf${maf} --recode #--recode-INFO-all
and this is how I run beagle:
java -Xmx144g -jar /home/pogoda/software/BEAGLE/beagle.03Jul19.b33.jar gt=${file} nthreads=36 out=IMPUTED_${file}
I can impute the unfiltered table with no problems so it must be something with the filtering. any idea what can be the issue with vcftools?
Is there an error message from beagle?
this the error i get
Okay, what does an example line from your vcf file look like then? It seems to suggest you're missing a field
What do you mean that you are 'unable to do it'?
it will crush immediately after i start running it