Hi, I need to convert chromosomal location to gene position in a txt file with 6 columns
1 chr1:183189 0 183189 G C 1 chr1:609407 0 609407 G C 1 chr1:609434 0 609434 G C 1 chr1:609435 0 609435 G G
> genename:gene_position 0 gene_position G C
> genename:gene_position 0 gene_position G C
> genename:gene_position 0 gene_position G C
> genename:gene_position 0 gene_position G G
Files are made in GRCH38. I looked in this forum for similar issue, but could not find appropriate solution. One option was with bedtools, but unfortunately, only bed files are suitable in that case. One more option included some outdated R packages, which I could not install. A similar thread is here File conversion from coordinates to genes , however the solution included only conversion to gene names, not positions
Thank you!
How do I get GFF/GTF file? From sample VCF, or some kind of reference?
Thanks a lot, I found NCBI Assembly download option. This line helped to convert GTF to bed
After i converted plink to bed file as well. Then i tried to run bedtools intersect; got the error about that spaces are needed to be converted to tabs in the converted gtf file; fixed it with
After running bedtools intersect again, i got this:
How should I correctly convert bed file, obtained from NCBI GTF reference? The problematic file is here:
Hello, so i did following with last command:
and now I have this file type:
i wonder, how can make this output to needed file:
Thank you!