The Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência is welcoming applications for a Research Fellowship the R&D Unit with reference UID/Multi/04555 at the IGC - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal, funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC).
Job description:
Open Call for a Research Fellowship in the Project UID/Multi/04555
The Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência is welcoming applications for a Research Fellowship the R&D Unit with reference UID/Multi/04555 at the IGC - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal, funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC), as follows:
- Duration: The fellowship will have the duration of 12 months with the possibility of renewal until the end of the project or until the end date of the project’s possible renewal, expected to start in June 2021, in the exclusiveness regime as the regulation of research fellow by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, IP into force.
- Subject of Activities:
· Service-based bioinformatical analysis for IGC research groups.
· Provide assistance to researchers regarding experimental design and data visualization.
· Providing data analysis service for collaborating Universities, research institutes and hospitals.
· Training of the wet-lab scientists in IGC for data submission, basic analysis, and data display.
· Participation in activities directed to external people, such as courses, visits to the Facility or bioinformatics-related demonstrations.
· Development of new pipelines or software solutions to answer users’ needs.
· Develop easy-to-use Website based interface for data submission and analysis.
- Research Groups: Bioinformatics Facility – Jingtao Lilue
Academic Profile and Selection Criteria: Bachelor or master’s degree in biology, Computer Science, Genetics or Bioinformatics is mandatory. We are looking for a highly motivated person, passionate by science and technology, eager to learn and to solve problems, with personal competences to work in a service-based environment, with good inter-personal skills and high degree of initiative. Additionally, we will prefer candidates with:
The experience in bioinformatics, biostatistics, or cluster computing. The candidate should be experienced in working with scripting languages such as R (preferred), Python, and Perl. Experience with using Linux environments is essential. Knowledge of other programming language, e.g. C++ and Java is a plus. Skill of website scripting (e.g. PHP or Java script) will be valued. Capacity to work both independently and as a part of a team are required. Good communication skills, including a good level of spoken English, which would enable a good communication and work in an international setting, are necessary. High commitment and a collaborative attitude are needed for this job. Troubleshooting capacity and attention to detail are extremely important.
- Legislation and Applicable Regulation: Statute of the Scientific Research Fellow, Research Fellowship Regulations of the Foundation for Science and Technology I.P. in force; and the Research Fellowship Regulations from Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC), Oeiras, Portugal. To know more about the changes introduced on the Statute of the Scientific Research Fellow by the Law Decrete nº 123/2019 please consult the page
- Subsidy Month Stipend: According to the regulations of the FCT Scientific Fellowships in Portugal (€835,98/month for Bachelor’s degree or €1.104,64/month for Master’s degree + Social Security),, the payment will be made by bank transfer.
- Application Documents: A written request should be addressed to the Director of the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência with the subject "DF_UID/Multi/04555-IA" sent to the email This must include the following information concerning the applicant: announcement identification, full name, number and date of validity of the Identity Card or passport, tax identification number, date and place of birth, contact address, including e-mail address and telephone contact.
Applications should include support documents (PDF format) and proof of the conditions laid down in above points for admission to this call, mainly:
a) Motivation Letter;
b) Copy of certificate or diploma referring its conclusion date.
c) Detailed curriculum vitae, structured in accordance with above items and a brief description of the most relevant scientific activities of the last 3 years;
d) Other documents relevant to the evaluation of qualifications in the related scientific area;
- Methods of Selection and Evaluation: The selection procedure shall be as follows: CV (60%), motivation letter (15%), references (15%), and interview, if considered necessary by the jury, of the selected candidates (10%). The Interview will focus on the research outcomes of the candidate.
- Jury Selection: Chairman: Dr. Jingtao Lilue. Other members: Dr. Pedro Fernandes, Dr. Ricardo Leite. Substitute member Dr. Élio Sucena
- Form of Advertising / Notification of results: The assessment results will be sent to all candidates and to the FCT by email. There will be 10 working days for complaints/appeals after the date of publication of the Selection Minutes, through the same application email.
- Application Period: From 14.05.2021 until 27.05.2021.
Vacant posts: 2
Type of contract: Information not available
Job country: Portugal
Job city: Oeiras
Job company/institute: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Application deadline: 27 May 2021 (The Application's deadline must be confirmed on the Job Description)
Please find the official advertisement at eracareers: