I need to do a lot of pairwise alignments and obtain a VCF file of each alignment. The purpose of this is to find the mutations between different ORFs of a reference genome and this ORFs in other genomes (one by one). Is there some combination of software that can do this? I am not sure that this can be done with MAFFT or muscle, since they are multiple aligner, and I am not sure that this can be done with a mapper like minimap2 or BWA, since mappers works with reads.
Maybe I could use MAFFT and build a parser in Python to see the mutations in each alignment, but maybe there is a program (or combination of program) that does this more easily.
Following the Minimap2 cookbook:
Breaking this down:
Align using minimap2. Include the options -c: output CIGAR -x asm10: Preset parameter for alignment between assemblies assuming <1% sequence divergence. (Could use asm5 or asm20 if your sequences are more/less similar.) --cs: output cs tag
Sort the PAF output
Redirect to paftools.js call. By default, alignments less than L=50000 are not included for variant calling. Set L to lower value if your assembly is smaller than this. Provide reference fasta sequence with -f.