I am trying to find some resources that discuss how to best prepare ChIP-seq data to be processed in DESeq2. I am having trouble determining how to best go about preparing a count matrix to be used for generating a DESeqDataSet. I have .bam files from and corresponding .narrowPeak files, but I am not sure how to appropriately generate a count matrix from these data or something that can serve as input for DESeq2. I have done some googling and reading, but have been unable to find a clear explanation.
If you are aware or could share any good tutorials out there about how to go about setting up ChIP-seq data for DESeq2 analysis that would be great!
Any assistance is appreciated!
Harvard-Chan bioinformatics core has ChIP-seq data analysis tutorials. Look under lessons for detailed training materials.
A fantastic resource for sure, but I don't see anywhere in their lessons where they address this question. Could you point out where they do so?
They utilize diffbind for the identification of differential peaks. I am not looking to utilize diffbind.