Entering edit mode
3.5 years ago
I am using this to install maEndToEnd
BiocManager::install("maEndToEnd", version = "devel")
It is showing-
'getOption("repos")' replaces Bioconductor standard repositories, see
'?repositories' for details
replacement repositories:
CRAN: https://cran.rstudio.com/
Bioconductor version 3.13 (BiocManager 1.30.13), R 4.1.0 beta (2021-05-06 r80268)
Installing package(s) 'BiocVersion', 'maEndToEnd'
also installing the dependencies ‘formatR’, ‘lambda.r’, ‘futile.options’, ‘RCurl’, ‘GenomeInfoDbData’, ‘base64’, ‘htmlwidgets’, ‘futile.logger’, ‘snow’, ‘BH’, ‘fastmatch’, ‘tweenr’, ‘polyclip’, ‘RcppEigen’, ‘RcppArmadillo’, ‘backports’, ‘colorspace’, ‘patchwork’, ‘lazyeval’, ‘GenomeInfoDb’, ‘XVector’, ‘MatrixGenerics’, ‘DelayedArray’, ‘iterators’, ‘bit64’, ‘blob’, ‘plogr’, ‘bit’, ‘KEGGREST’, ‘gcrma’, ‘hexbin’, ‘BeadDataPackR’, ‘illuminaio’, ‘Formula’, ‘gridExtra’, ‘data.table’, ‘htmlTable’, ‘viridis’, ‘htmltools’, ‘base64enc’, ‘png’, ‘jpeg’, ‘systemfonts’, ‘BiocParallel’, ‘DO.db’, ‘fgsea’, ‘ggforce’, ‘ggrepel’, ‘tidygraph’, ‘graphlayouts’, ‘checkmate’, ‘bitops’, ‘farver’, ‘labeling’, ‘munsell’, ‘viridisLite’, ‘xtable’, ‘ape’, ‘aplot’, ‘tidytree’, ‘treeio’, ‘BiocGenerics’, ‘IRanges’, ‘GenomicRanges’, ‘SummarizedExperiment’, ‘Biostrings’, ‘affyio’, ‘foreach’, ‘S4Vectors’, ‘RSQLite’, ‘DBI’, ‘ff’, ‘XML’, ‘AnnotationDbi’, ‘org.Hs.eg.db’, ‘affxparser’, ‘preprocessCore’, ‘zlibbioc’, ‘affy’, ‘affyPLM’, ‘beadarray’, ‘gridSVG’, ‘Hmisc’, ‘hwriter’, ‘latticeExtra’, ‘setRNG’, ‘vsn’, ‘svglite’, ‘graph’, ‘GO.db’, ‘SparseM’, ‘DOSE’, ‘ggraph’, ‘reactome.db’, ‘igraph’, ‘graphite’, ‘downloader’, ‘GOSemSim’, ‘plyr’, ‘qvalue’, ‘rvcheck’, ‘gtools’, ‘caTools’, ‘gtable’, ‘isoband’, ‘scales’, ‘annotate’, ‘generics’, ‘tidyselect’, ‘cpp11’, ‘cowplot’, ‘reshape2’, ‘scatterpie’, ‘shadowtext’, ‘ggtree’, ‘Biobase’, ‘oligoClasses’, ‘ArrayExpress’, ‘pd.hugene.1.0.st.v1’, ‘hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db’, ‘oligo’, ‘arrayQualityMetrics’, ‘limma’, ‘topGO’, ‘ReactomePA’, ‘clusterProfiler’, ‘gplots’, ‘ggplot2’, ‘geneplotter’, ‘pheatmap’, ‘RColorBrewer’, ‘dplyr’, ‘tidyr’, ‘matrixStats’, ‘genefilter’, ‘openxlsx’, ‘Rgraphviz’, ‘enrichplot’
I am using R version R-4.1.0beta. How to solve this issue?
Thank you in advance.