When using RSEM, I came across the error "Invalid number of arguments." Not sure where this arose from, since I separated the upstream and downstream reads with commas.
Usage: rsem-calculate-expression [options] --paired-end upstream_read_file(s) downstream_read_file(s) reference_name sample_name
My Code: /u/local/apps/RSEM/1.3.3/gcc-4.9.3/bin/rsem-calculate-expression --paired-end /u/project/run434_1.fastq, /u/project/run434_2.fastq, /u/project/run437_1.fastq, /u/project/run434_T_1.fastq, /u/project/run434_T_2.fastq, /u/project/run437_T_1.fastq Aet_ref Aet_samp
Aet_ref is the reference name, and Aet_samp is the sample name. Let me know what I can do to resolve this issue! Thank you!
I tried running it with no spaces following the commas, but still no luck. Let me know if there is any other potential problems.
Sorry for late reply. "Invalid number of arguments"implied that you added more than the 4 arguments. the first arg is upstream_read_files (with no space and seperated by comma) then a space and writing the second argument downstream_read_file(s), then the third and fourth arguments