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3.8 years ago
Hi all,
I used a tool a few years ago to make a genome map, but I can't remember the name of the tool! It was an online tool if that helps?
Many thanks in advance
unfortunately that does not help no.
You should at least provide some more info if you want to get meaningful answers ... It's quite hard for others on this forum to know what you did several years back.
The image might help ( a bit). was it a genetic map? optical map? ... Try to add as much details/info as you can.
I'm just asking for the name of the online tool if anyone recognized the tool from the image I've provided? I don't see how that's a stupid question?
it's not a stupid question, you just provide very little info to work with.
Sorry, it was a genetic map, and the tool took in a genbank file to generate the map. I'm sorry I can't provide more info, it was years ago that I used it, and all I have is the image that I'd produced. Any tool that may produce a similar graph would also be useful! Thanks :)
I know that software like AllMapsLG can also produce a similar output but not as nice I seem to remember.
Did you tried googling for it? "online tool to draw genetic map" or such?
Hi, yes, I've been googling for a week now but I cannot find it :(. This was a last ditch attempt to see if anyone could identify the website from the image.
I'll check out the AllMapsLG, thanks
did you try searching with that image?
Yes, I get a lot of hits to similar images, but none that name the tool I'd used.
what type of image it it btw?
I mean, perhaps you can have a look into it's metadata? might provide a clue or such