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3.6 years ago
I'm computing LIMMA on a RNAseq Data. When I use this formula:
~feature + age + (1 | sex) + (1 | group) + (1 | id)
inside voomWithDreamWeights()
I have no problems. When I add a variable to this formula I have the following error:
Error in .fitVarPartModel(exprObj, formula, data, REML = REML, useWeights = useWeights, :
the fixed-effects model matrix is column rank deficient (rank(X) = 339 < 340 = p);
the fixed effects will be jointly unidentifiable
Suggestion: rescale fixed effect variables.
This will not change the variance fractions or p-values
age and the variable that gives me this problem are continuous variable.
it is just a numeric continuous variable, i.e. the Intracranial volume
Is it that the intracranial volume is in such units that they are inordinately larger compared to all the rest of your predictors?
Yes the value is larger compared to the other variables
I think that could be why you are indeed getting this error. Maybe you could scale the intracranial volume and then use it in limma-voom.