I have been trying to run a program using blastall and it doesn't seem to be able to use the database I am trying to use:
/usr/bin/blastall -p blastp -e 10 -T T -I T -d /database/NR/ -i test1.fasta -outdor blastresults
I get the error msg:
BLAST Database error: No alias or index file found for protein database [/database/NR/] in search path [/home/Desktop/phylo::]
The program I am running is old (from 2004)
I made sure that both the query and the DB are protein (I am using the NR as the DB)
The blastall is legacy_blast.pl 195935 2010-06-28 20:32:08Z camacho
The directory I am in is the one called phylo I tried copying the NR into that directory but that didn't work either.
I am sure I'm missing something but I don't know what it is. Maybe the blast version are not compatible?