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3.6 years ago
Can we use DESeq2 normalise count as input for pheatmap?
heatmap(x,scale="row",color =colorRampPalette(c('blue','yellow'))(12),cluster_cols =F,show_colnames = T,cluster_row=T,border_color="NA", fontsize_row=10,fontsize =10)
Many thanks
Is anything wrong in above command as we are taking normalize count and then in pheatmap we are doing scaling using
?That is probably the same in terms of Z score. Be sure to input counts on the log scale.
Thank you so much, so should I used below set of commands?
Many thanks,
No, vst runs on the dds object, not the counts, please see
.Sorry,Can we just do log transformation as updated in the code. Many thanks for your quick help.