I have two different types of list of SNPs for MR analysis. One list is just the significant SNPs from a published GWAS (not the whole summary data). Other lists of SNPs have the whole summary data
In R I would like to calculate the overall F statistic to assess instrument strength.
I saw a paper where they wrote this, "we estimated the r2 of each genetic instrument and summed them up to compute the overall r2 and F statistics using the sample size "
I would love to do this with my data too!
Can anyone explain how to do this in R?
I have rsid, beta, se, pval, N
Incase this effects things, one of my SNP lists for which I have summary data is binary, all others continuous
Thank you for your help!!!
Yes,I have the same question as you, have you got any answers?
I also need to do the same. Did you find a way of doing this?
Thanks a lot