For BWA, first do alignment (generate .sai), then sampe the paired-ends (generate .sam), then convert .sam to .bam. Now I'm going to write script to combine all these steps. ie, input is fastq, then output is .bam file.
Now a big question is, I need to guarantee, say, the first step (generating .sai) is COMPLETE (instead of being aborted) before going to the second step; and the second step (generating .sam) before the third. I there any way to check that for BWA? Or what's the sign for the completeness of each step?
Edit: Seems BWA return with exit code, which makes this question look stupid. Then the question could be: How can we write script to check if each step of BWA really returns exit code or not?
Edit again:
sorry maybe I don't make clear about my question in the above link. My concern is the quality of the output for each step of BWA. I usually check the error report in the log file. For example, there could be errors like "2.8% bases are trimmed", "cannot infer insert size" "weird pairing".
Then my question is, I want write a script to automatically check the errors for each step , and screen out those files with such error report. And when combine all steps in one script, command 2 will only execute when the output of command 1 has no errors.
doesn't BWA return exit codes?
yeah, so you mean exit code will mean the completeness of each step? SO we just do nothing and just wait for the program naturally finish? thx
Couldn't you use something like ./step1_of_bwa if [ $? != 0 ]; then DO_SOMETHING; else DO_SOMETHING_ELSE; fi