Hello dear colleagues! I'm a student. And i just started learning these methods. Could someone help me understand some of the details on this plot:
- Why species are repeated on axis y?
- What do the gaps between species on the same axis mean?
It's a metagenome of fungi on grapes. Thanks for any help!
top100ITSsklearn <- names(sort(taxa_sums(ITSsklearn), decreasing=TRUE))[1:20]
ITSsklearn.top20 <- transform_sample_counts(ITSsklearn, function(OTU) OTU / sum(OTU))
ITSsklearn.top20 <- prune_taxa(top20ITSsklearn, ITSsklearn.top20)
plot_heatmap(ITSsklearn.top20, method = "MDS", taxa.label = "Species", trans = NULL, low = "beige", high = "red", na.value = "beige", distance = 'bray')+ theme (axis.text.y = element_text(size=16))
Do you have any "NA" in your ITSsklearn ? And what is in top20ITSsklearn ? Maybe you could show us part of the raw data that you used to make your phyloseq object.