How to write a bash script that receives ANY integer numbers and print their mean with 2 decimal digit accuracy?
How to write a bash script that receives ANY integer numbers and print their mean with 2 decimal digit accuracy?
Here's one such script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo ${1} | awk -v RS=" " '{ n++; s+=$0 } END { printf("%.2f\n", s/n) }'
To run it:
$ ./ "10 20 60"
Don't forget quotation marks!
To answer your question, you'll need to specify numbers up front with the script as written.
If you want to enter numbers on a separate line, you could use the following:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
awk -v RS=" " '{ n++; s+=$0 } END { printf("%.2f\n", s/n) }' < /dev/stdin
You would then run ./
, press enter, type in your numbers (no quotation marks required), press enter, and press Control-D to send an end-of-file character (this is required, however). Then you'll get back the mean of the numbers you entered.
With this second script, you could also use echo
to pipe numbers to the script's standard input:
$ echo "10 20 60" | ./
But that's basically the same thing as the first script, moving the echo
statement outside.
I got bored. Good luck in the coding exam / interview
intarray=( "$@" ) ;
sum=0 ;
for i in ${intarray[@]} ;
let sum+=$i ;
done ;
echo -e "--Sum is:\t$sum"
mean=$(bc <<< "scale=2; $sum/${#intarray[@]}") ;
echo -e "--Mean is:\t${mean}" ;
numbers=(1 2 3 4)
bash "${numbers[@]}"
--Sum is: 10
--Mean is: 2.50
numbers=(37 8 20 6 29)
bash "${numbers[@]}"
--Sum is: 100
--Mean is: 20.00
#! /usr/bin/env bash
printf "%s\n" ${1} | awk '{sum+=$0} END {printf("%.2f\n", sum/NR)}'
to run it:
$ ./ "10 20 60"
if you are okay with datamash instead of awk, you can try this:
$ cat
#! /usr/bin/env bash
printf "%s\n" ${1} | datamash mean 1 median 1 -R 2
% ./ "10 20 60"
Advantage of having datamash is that you can print multiple statistics without writing much of the additional code:
$ cat ./
#! /usr/bin/env bash
printf "%s\n" ${1} | datamash mean 1 median 1 min 1 max 1 sstdev 1 -R 2
$ ./ "10 20 60"
30.00 20.00 10.00 60.00 26.46
Found an answer to my question at
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Please explain what you have tried and the issues you are facing. Biostars is not a code writing service - you must show some effort for folks to help you. Additionally, this has nothing to do with bioinformatics as it stands. Can you edit your question to make it more relevant?