I need guidance to create Seurat object and how do I understand it properly created. I have to create any new project name for Seurate object ?I did not create any project name so far. How to create new project for Seurat object. Please help.
Seuratobj<-CreateSeuratObject(counts = ctrl_counts,project = Seuratobj,min.cells = 3,min.features = 200) Error in factor(x = project) : object 'Seuratobj' not found
Thank you in advance
You can find the description in help page of CreateSeuratObject function
so the project is the identifier assigned to your experiment. in your code it should be a string (Ex.: "Cancer scRNA-Seq", "Zebrafish Embryonic Development" etc.) and you specified it without a quote, so R is considering it as an object and not as a string.
code from this tutorial shows an example of how to specify the project for Seurat object
Thank you Nitin for your help. Project name here is the main folder generated by cell ranger (name :60 - 502323136).I did not change it. Some output from beginning I have attached here. Could you please give your input to solve the problem.
Try this,
To save the Seurat object you can use
This is standard R command and you can get an answer by googling this.