Hi, I develop genomic variant annotation/interpretation tools. I'd like to know the pain and need regarding variant annotation/interpretation tools. Can you point out where your pain points are in doing variant annotation/interpretation?
Also, if you wouldn't mind, can anyone chat with for just 15 minutes so that I can listen to you talking about what you do with variant analysis?
Can you point us to a few tools you've developed?
Sure, mostly it has been https://github.com/KarchinLab/open-cravat
There was a comment about the vcf format. We were writing a vcf format parser and had some headache due to a couple of variant caller-specific conventions/modifications which threw the parser off. What were the problems you encountered dealing with the vcf format?
Since this is an open-ended question I changed the type to
. Consider editing the title and making itWhat are the pain points in genomic ..
to make the title clear.Thanks. I have edited the title.
I'm not in this area but I got the feeling that the non-ML tools suck at deleterious variants in non-coding regions and the ML tools are all overfit to a particular disease