I have a pipeline in the form of a snakemake. Before the pipeline starts working, the snakemake checks and announces empty folders that do not yet contain files. These files will appear in the rule gatk_BaseRecalibrator step of the snakemake. I am currently running the code in several steps. First, I generate files that will fill the folders required in the next step (all_samples_BaseRecalibrator folder), and then I run a rule gatk_GatherBQSRReports that will use these files. I understand that this approach is inconvenient and not correct. But I'm new to python and don't know how to change my code.
this is how a piece of my code looks like :
import glob
SAMPLES = glob_wildcards("input_bam/{sample}.bam")
INTERVALS = glob_wildcards("../intervals/{interval}.bed")
all_samples_BaseRecalibrator = glob.glob("out_BaseRecalibrator/*-scattered.txt")
rule all:
input: expand("out/{sample}.AddOrReplaceReadGroups.bam", sample = SAMPLES.sample), expand("out/{sample}.genome.covered.bed", sample=SAMPLES.sample), expand("out/{sample}.MarkDuplicates.bam", sample=SAMPLES.sample), expand("out/{sample}.MarkDuplicates.bam", sample = SAMPLES.sample),expand("out_BaseRecalibrator/{sample}.BaseRecalibrator.{interval}.txt", interval=INTERVALS.interval, sample=SAMPLES.sample), , expand("out_BaseRecalibrator/{sample}.GatherBQSRReports.txt", sample=SAMPLES.sample)
rule gatk_AddOrReplaceReadGroups:
input: "input_bam/{sample}.bam"
output: "out/{sample}.AddOrReplaceReadGroups.bam"
shell: "./../gatk- --java-options ""-Xmx30g"" AddOrReplaceReadGroups -I {input} -O {output} -ID group1 -SM TUMOR -PL illumina -LB lib1 -PU unit1"
rule bedtools_genomecov:
input: rules.gatk_AddOrReplaceReadGroups.output
output: "out/{sample}.genome.covered.bed"
shell: "bedtools genomecov -ibam {input} -bg > {output}"
rule gatk_MarkDuplicates:
input: rules.gatk_AddOrReplaceReadGroups.output
output: output1="out/{sample}.MarkDuplicates.bam", output2="out/{sample}.MarkDuplicates.txt"
shell: "./../gatk- --java-options ""-Xmx4g"" MarkDuplicates -I {input} -O {output.output1} -M {output.output2} --CREATE_INDEX true"
rule gatk_BaseRecalibrator:
input: input1="../intervals/{interval}.bed", input2="out/{sample}.MarkDuplicates.bam", input3='../ref/ref.fa', input4="../dbsnp/dbsnp_150.hg38.vcf.gz"
output: "out_BaseRecalibrator/{sample}.BaseRecalibrator.{interval}.txt"
shell: "./../gatk- --java-options ""-Xmx7680m"" BaseRecalibrator -L {input.input1} -I {input.input2} -O {output} -R {input.input3} --known-sites {input.input4}"
rule gatk_GatherBQSRReports:
input: all_samples_BaseRecalibrator
output: "out_BaseRecalibrator/{sample}.GatherBQSRReports.txt"
params: all_samples_BaseRecalibrator=' -I '.join(all_samples_BaseRecalibrator)
shell: "./../gatk- --java-options ""-Xmx7680m"" GatherBQSRReports -I {params.all_samples_BaseRecalibrator} -O {output}"
Thank you so much!!! Now my code has passed the initial check and is working
Unfortunately, this approach only worked for me on test files. I want to get the following command from this rule:
but without a parameter I get this:
And therefore the gatk gives an error: A USER ERROR has occurred: Invalid argument
I solved this problem like this. Perhaps my solution will be useful to someone