Hi there, I'm using bowtie2 to align some fastq files downloaded from ENA
I've first run a quality check to see if there is something annoying, but in general terms it is fine. Then, I've run bowtie-2 as follow:
bowtie2 -x human_index_bowtie/human_index_bwt -U SRR11557616.fastq.gz -S 5h.sam
But I got this error message:
Error: Read SRR11557616.1 ugc_599_6_F3_0002_0/1 has more quality values than read characters.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'int'
Aborted (core dumped)
(ERR): bowtie2-align exited with value 134
the head of the file is a bit weird:
head -n 8
@SRR11557614.1 ugc_599_3_F3_0001_0 length=74
+SRR11557614.1 ugc_599_3_F3_0001_0 length=74
@SRR11557614.2 ugc_599_3_F3_0001_1 length=74
+SRR11557614.2 ugc_599_3_F3_0001_1 length=74
Any ideas how to solve the problem? or I should select a different file?
Thank you for the tip!! And do you know it it would be possible to remove the
with a zgrep command or something similar?As I said, the error comes from the sample being a colorspace file, it is not a problem with the file itself, therefore just change aligner and it should work without manipulating the file.