I have 10X scRNA-seq data for a hESC and after the alignment using cellrenger, I used seurat V3 to cluster cells. Since this is a normal cell line, I expected not to see any clusters of cells. However, the mt% in seurat is VERY strange
and has 2 clusters which finally results in getting 2 separate clusters in the final scRNA-seq analysis (I only keeo mt%< 6). Is such mt% normal? removing 2-6 mt% will reduce the reads from 500,000 to 15,000 and does not seem right! removing 0-2% mt and keeping 2-6 %mt also does not look right to me.
Any suggestions why there is such mt%? Is it only experiment problem? if not, how should I treat it so that i will not lose a lot of reads.
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Hi Maria, were you ever able to figure out what caused this? We're seeing a very similar thing with 10X hESC data of our own: Around 50% of our cells have very low, or even 0 percent.mt. The distribution is clearly bimodal. The cells look happy otherwise (similar nUMI and nFeatures), and importantly the low mito cells aren't a distinct celltype, but rather we see a low and high mito cluster for each of our celltypes (this is confirmed with marker genes). Any hints you have would be most appreciated, because we have no idea what this could be.
do they have the same cell cycle status? GSEA of metabolic pathways for the marker genes of the low-mito vs. high-mito group of the same celltype would be interesting
Based on Seurat cell cycle inference, they do: all span G1, G2M, and S. GSEA would indeed be interesting. Thanks for the idea!
also, I assume these are cell lines? I've seen very clear bimodal populations for mito-content in spatial transcriptomics data from a tissue section where everything immediately fell into place once we looked at the image and saw very clearly that the two mito-content-populations corresponded to histologically/phenotypically distinct cell types
It seems such low mt% clusters could be found in many datasets.