Hello, I have some clusters generated from ATACseq data. I have assigned genes to the peaks and want to integrate RNA-seq data with the peaks. I have a time course RNA-seq data and I have 2 objectives: 1) Establish that majority of the genes from a given ATACseq cluster follows the same expression pattern. For this I have calculated the Z-scores for plotting
2) I also want to somehow highlight if at a specific time-point, the LFC(and pvalue) is significant.
**Clusters | Z_score_0h | Z_score_1h | Z_score_6h | LFC_1hr_0hr |pvalue_1hr_0hr**......
The number of genes for each cluster is not a lot, between 5 and 20 max.
Z scores (their absolute values) and p values calculated from them are monotonically dependent. So, showing both does not add new information to the plot.