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3.7 years ago
Lila M
Hi there, I'm doing some alignments using colour space files (downloaded from sra) But I'm stuck because the process is kill and I do not have experience in colourspace files. What I've done so far is
Convert the reference (color space):
$bfast fasta2brg -f hg38.fa -A 1
Create the indexes:
$bfast index -f hg18.fa -m 1111111111111111111111 -w 14 -i 1 -A 1
(I'm using the mask suggested in the manual)
But after a while, I got this log:
Checking input parameters supplied by the user ...
Validating fastaFileName GRCh38.p10.genome.fa.
Validating tmpDir path ./.
Input arguments look good!
Printing Program Parameters:
programMode: [ExecuteProgram]
fastaFileName: GRCh38.p10.genome.fa
space: [Color Space]
mask: 111111110001111110011111111
depth: 0
hashWidth: 14
indexNumber: 5
repeatMasker: [Not Using]
startContig: 0
startPos: 0
endContig: 2147483647
endPos: 2147483647
exonsFileName: [Not Using]
numThreads: 1
tmpDir: ./
timing: [Not Using]
Reading in reference genome from GRCh38.p10.genome.fa.cs.brg.
In total read 555 contigs for a total of 3236815040 bases
Creating the index...
Warning: startContig was less than zero.
Defaulting to contig=1 and position=1.
Warning: endContig was greater than the number of contigs in the reference genome.
Defaulting to reference genome's end contig=555 and position=71251.
Currently on [contig,pos]:
50.000 percent complete
Any help would be great! Thanks!
The Killed signal could be because you reached maximal memory allowed, or CPU or disk space, are you running this on a cluster?
thank you for the tip. Not, I'm running it locally, but I've never had this kind of problems before with human genome
even on local run, check if there are limits to memory or cpu usage