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3.4 years ago
I'm trying to get the fraction of spliced and unspliced genes to after calculate the RNA velocity with velocyto.
When I run this command:
velocyto run -u Gene -o ./Data_RNAv ./data1.bam ./GenomeIndex/gencodev38annotation.gtf
I get the following Error message:
The bam file does not contain cell and umi barcodes appropriatelly formatted.
This is my workflow so far:
Downloaded the two fastq files using the sratoolkit
Downloaded hg38.fa and the reference .gtf file
Created the genome index using STAR
Like this:
STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir ./GenomeIndex --genomeFastaFiles ./GenomeInde /hg38.fa --sjdbGTFfile ./GenomeIndex/gencodev38annotation.gtf
- Aligned the genome using STAR
Like this:
STAR --runThreadN 24 --genomeDir ./GenomeIndex --sjdbGTFfile ./GenomeIndex/gencodev38annotation.gtf --sjdbOverhang 100 --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted --readFilesIn ./data_Day4/SRR9127057_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq ./H9_D4/SRR9127057_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq
- Using velocyto.py to writing out a standard loom file: and here is where I get the error saying that the UMI is not found in the bam file
What did I do wrong?
Probably the SRA data does not have UMI/Barcode sequence in the header. You can check that information in the fastq header.
This is the begining of the fastq file that I have
How can I know if it has the UMI/Barcode?