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3.7 years ago
Hi there, Probably its just me that i am dumb but i am trying without success understand what is the purpose of using two statistics tests when i am getting CNVs in the Control-FREEC program. I know that one is more restrictive than other, i really want to understand what are they testing. I mean the code said that both are testing the ratios, iam really confused...
I will be very appreciated your input on this. :)
All the best, Andreia
Since you have 2 tags (Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Wilcoxon) I assume they test deviation from the expected parametric distribution (in a non-parametric manner) and non-parametric difference in medians =) so the first may test any deviation in distributions between CNV/normal regions and the 2nd tests exactly an increase/decrease in coverage
Otherwise I guess it is described in the paper