Just want to make everyone aware of a FREE book on Unix, shell scripting, parallel computing, and scientific programming, "The Research Computing User's Guide":
This is a book I wrote over the course of 10 years managing HPC systems and running workshops for our researchers in many disciplines, including bioinformatics.
There is very little specific to bioinformatics in it, but it has more extensive content on general Unix and shell scripting than the Biostar Handbook, as well as chapters on using HPC clusters and high-performance programming, so it may be a good supplement for this community.
The Unix, shell scripting, and parallel computing chapters are fairly mature.
The programming parts are unfinished but contain lots of potentially useful info, albeit in a rough form. I hope to finish them someday should the Gods smile on the idea.
For now it's available on my private website, but I plan to post the content in a more public location where it will be more likely to survive my demise.
Hope someone finds it useful...