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3.7 years ago
Please suggest to me an easy book or freely available online courses for beginners to learn Biostatics.
Thanks. With regards.
There are existing threads that address this topic - Good Books And Resources For Figuring Out Biostatistics? is an example. Have you read these older threads?
Referencing your now deleted comment: you don't need to genuflect to random strangers on the internet by addressing them as "sir", we're all just fellow beings here (and you shouldn't assume somebody's gender either). Also, please don't ask how to pirate material. If you cannot afford to buy a book (or a paper), try contacting the authors. I've had some success in getting discounts--and on occasion a free copy of the manuscript (e.g., a pre-publication draft). In the case of the Holmes & Huber book, it's already free to read as far as I can tell. What more do you need in this case?
Sorry, for deleting the post. I don't ask for a pirated stuff, by the way, It is good to know this book is available freely on the recognized website, I also checked.
I did not mean to offend you. Asking for a PDF version of a book generally implies to me that the individual is seeking a "free" (i.e., pirated) copy. Hence my remark.
Thank you Dunois. It's okay.