Hey quick question,
I am trying to re-doing some scRNA-Seq pre-processing from a paper.
Some background information: The authors gave the cell ranger output as H5 files, which I have downloaded and loaded up in RStudio via Read10X_h5. I have created a SeuratObject out of the H5 matrix, added "percent.mt" via PercentageFeatureSet(SeuratObject, pattern = "^MT-") and then filtered after the standards of the paper: subset(SeuratObject, subset = nFeature_RNA > 1500 & nFeature_RNA < 9000 & percent.mt < 30)
Now, in paper they have written that the UMI counts were normalized/scaled using regularized negative binominal regression with the sctransform-package. If I add my SeuratObject in the function vst() I get this error:
Calculating cell attributes from input UMI matrix: log_umi Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)) : Error evaluating argument 'x' in method selection for function 'rowSums': comparison (5) is only possible for atomic and list types
Can someone explain this error to me? I don't find any helpful information if I google this error.
(FindVariableFeatures(x, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000)
) requires the log normalisation, which you are not doing as you are following theSCT
workflow. In you case, you need to callSCTransform
wraps the normalisation and scaling (usingsctranform
) in one command.I did not see/know that Seurat had also a SCTransform. Thank you for your fast answer.