Does anybody have experience/references for trying to identify SVs with very low coverage (~1x) WGS data? Is it even worth doing it or are the results completely untrustworthy?
Does anybody have experience/references for trying to identify SVs with very low coverage (~1x) WGS data? Is it even worth doing it or are the results completely untrustworthy?
“Overall, low-coverage WGS strategies detect drastically more gold standard CNVs compared with arrays and are accompanied with smaller percentages of CNV calls without validation. Furthermore, we show that WGS (at ≥1× coverage) is able to detect all seven gold standard deletion CNVs >100 kb in NA12878, whereas only one is detected by most arrays. Lastly, we show that the much larger 15 Mbp Cri du chat deletion can be readily detected with short-insert paired-end WGS at even just 1× coverage.”
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