I'm trying to blast a dataset of gRNA against all the sequences present on the NCBI coming from Anopheles gambiae species. This is the script that I used:
blastn -db nt -query candidategRNA.fasta -task blastn-short -remote -evalue 10 -entrez_query 'Anopheles gambiae [organism]' -outfmt 6 -out G3-ill-G3-Nano-results.table
Blast is creating the output file but it's empty... I already tried to blast my gRNAs manually and I always found matches with the web-browser Blastn version....
There is a way to use blast against all the sequences belonging to a specific organism and not just against the reference genome assembly (in my case Agamp3) ?
Or do you know how I can create my local database importing all the sequences belonging to Anopheles in the NCBI archive?
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks a lot!
I have the output file with all the info that I needed, I will try to expand my blast result to Anopheles genus as you suggested :)
I have another question...
My input file contains more than 200 possible target sites and the output is quite big.
Do you have any suggestions on how to create a nice Plot of the results using R?
Thanks in advance
Don't what kind of plot you are looking for since some of it may depend on output format of your blast results. Came across this via a search see if it is useful: https://environmentalmicrobiome.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40793-020-00361-y