I have this pathway that I want to cite in my research report but I do not understand how to cite in APA format and in text. I can see name of authors as
Ingrid Felicidade, Egon Willighagen, Friederike Ehrhart, Kristina Hanspers, Martina Kutmon, et al.
But not the study https://www.wikipathways.org/instance/WP3599
It doesn't seem that the source publication is straightforward to find. You could cite wikipathways as a whole or cite the particular pathway as a web page.
There are a few aspects to this to take into account. First, about the APA format, where you can use the website format (Author Last Name, First initial. (Year, Month Date Published). Title of web page. Name of Website. URL) or possible the format for a dataset. WikiPathways has this page that outlines how to cite pathways.
A second aspect is what to cite. If I understand your question correctly, you wonder about the studies/papers on which this pathway is based? That is actually the list of eight papers cited in the Bibliography on that WikiPathways page. A pathway diagram, in some sense, can be compared to a review article.
It doesn't seem that the source publication is straightforward to find. You could cite wikipathways as a whole or cite the particular pathway as a web page.
Why makes the Bibliography hard to find?