I would need to filter VEP annotated vcf file and find all variants where gnomADe_AF < 0.001.
bcftool query -I 'gnomADe_AF<0.001' -f '%CHROM %INFO/gnomADe_AF\n' file.vcf.annotated
does not return anything or even give any errors.
If I put bcftool query -I 'AF<1' -f '%CHROM %INFO/AF\n' file.vcf.annotated
the command works and I get all variants with AF<1. And in the headers I checked that there is gnomAD_AF and AF in the INFO tags.
Could anyone help with how to filter this with unix?
EDIT: I can see the values for gnomADe_AF when looking with less, but for some reason I can't get them with any commands separately.
In order to filter a VCF by a particular INFO tag, it must be described in the VCF file header and you must query exactly as it is written both in the header and in the INFO column. Maybe you're trying to filter gnomAD_AF but your writting gnomADe_AF instead.
Yes, I have tried with both and also checked many times that it is written exactly the same as in headers and INFO column.