I want to draw a volcano plot of my DGE.So according to my data analysis in R studio, I found 15521 DGE.So from this I sort top sign DGE by giving adj.p.value <0.01.Where I found 185 DGE. But now I am confused about the drawing of volcano plot. I want to know the upregulated and downregulated genes among them. So from which count I should see the plot(15521 or 185). Moreover I want to use below code
lab = rownames(res),
x = 'logFC',
y = 'adj.p.value',
pCutoff = ,
FCcutoff = ,
cutoffLineType = 'twodash',
cutoffLineWidth = 0.8,
pointSize = 4.0,
labSize = 6.0,
colAlpha = 1,
legend Labels=c('Not sig.','Log (base 2 ) FC','p-value',
'p-value & Log (base 2) FC'),
legendPosition = 'right',
legendLabSize = 16,
legendIconSize = 5.0)
But what is the range of pcutoff and FCcutoff I should give there.And I want to clarify one more thing,that is if my x and y label was logFC & adj.p.value, so what should be the lebel legend there - Log (base 2) FC or Log (base) FC & p-value or adj.p.value?
...you may want to reconsider this analysis. This is absurdly much. How did analyse that, and which species/setup is the experiment?
15521 this is the overall gene expression after normalization. From them I have to draw plot by giving adj.p.value and logFC cut off. In this 15521, there is sign and non sign gene.