I'm trying to build the genome indexes with the following comand line (Ubuntu 18.04):
home/bowtie2-2.4.4-linux-x86_64/bowtie2-build ReferenceGenome GrCh38_index
where ReferenceGenome is the GrCh38.fa downloaded from NCBI to which I have added chr1_KI270763v1_alt.fa sequence.
The version of bowtie2 I am using is: version
This process is computationally really heavy as it takes about 3 hours to complete. At the end of the process the first 4 files (.1.bt2/.2.bt2/.3.bt2/.4.bt2) seems to be ok while rev.1.bt2 and rev.2.bt2 I think they are incomplete as they are 352.5 MB and 264.3 MB (the rev.bt2 files downloaded from bowtie2 website instead are 982.5 MB and 733.7 MB).
Actually, when I try to align after building the indexes I get the following error:
Error reading _ebwt[] array: no more data
Error: Encountered internal Bowtie 2 exception (#1)
(ERR): bowtie2-align exited with value 1
and I think this is related to the fact that the indexes are incomplete. Can someone help me to solve this problem?
Thank you
Please do not post the same question in multiple threads: Issues with genome indexing with bowtie2-build
It appears that you are running out of memory or temporary disk space when you are building the index. Unless you post error messages (that you must have got at build stage) it is difficult to help you.
Yes you are correct that your indexes are incomplete.
No, I did't get any message error unfortunately. How can I avoid these problems during build stage ?
If you use
shell then you should be able to capture any messages the program generates by doing following:This means that you will need to re-run the build process again so you can capture any error message that was generated.
If you are not using
shell then you can capture STDOUT and STDERR to two different files by doing:Once the run
(which may also be due to failure) look in the log file for clues. Post the errors here if you can't figure out the problem.I did not get any error, while the stdout is the following:
Looks like there was no error. So did you get proper set of indexes this time?
No, rev.1.bt2 and rev.2.bt2 are still incomplete. Do you have any other suggestion to fix this problem ?
Can you index some other reference and verify that your install is working properly?