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3.4 years ago
I have an issue when I'm trying to save several plots in a pdf file using R.
I created these plots using the RTCGA
package. The command to generate one plot is the next:
kmTCGA(my_data, ##My data is stored in a list
explanatory.names = "TP53",
pval = T,
conf.int = F,
risk.table = F)
To save multiple plots I'm using the next code:
pdf("../mypath/KMplots.pdf", height = 8, width = 10)
for(i in names(categories)){ ##names of my datasets inside the list
for(j in variables){ ##Names of the genes I'm analyzing
explanatory.names = j,
pval = T,
conf.int = F,
risk.table = F))
However, when I inspect the pdf file the first page is empty or in leaved in blank. Does anyone know how to save my data without this empty page?
The same problem occurs when I generate a pdf file with cutoffs plots from survminer
pdf("../my_path/Cutpoints.pdf", height = 8, width = 10)
for(i in data){
for(j in variables){
print(plot(cut_points[[i]], j))
Thanks in advance!