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3.4 years ago
Apologies if this is a stupid question I have a vcf file with multiple samples with different ranges for the GT (genotype) value.
CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 Sample4 Sample5
NC_011993.1_Escherichia_coli_LF82_complete_genome_length_4773108 268226 NC_011993.1_Escherichia_coli_LF82_complete_genome_length_4773108_268226_CA_C CA C 228 PASS INDEL;IDV=13;IMF=1;VDB=0.7156;SGB=-0.680642;MQSB=0.898397;MQ0F=0;MQ=34;DP=3055;DP4=50,228,1419,1358;AN=75;AC=75 GT:PL 1:161,0 1:252,0 1:255,0 1:158,3 1:200,0
1 indicates the presence of the alternate allele, (C in the example) but what does the value/range after the colon mean?
column FORMAT is
. So you should find a description in the header abour GT and PLSorry I worded that badly - what does the 161 mean in 1:161?
I'm understanding that 1:161 has something to do with the genotype while
0 is the phred score?