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3.4 years ago
I am running BOLT-LMM 2.3.5 with following conditions
bolt \
--bed= bed \
--bim= bim \
--fam=fam \
--bgenFile=chr{1:22}.bgen \
--sampleFile=chr1.sample \
--bgenMinINFO=0.3 \
--phenoFile=phenofile \
--phenoCol=phenotype \
--covarFile=phenofile \
--covarCol=Sex \
--qCovarCol=PC{1:10} \
--numThreads=8 \
--lmm \
--LDscoresFile=./LDSCORE.1000G_EUR.tab.gz \
--geneticMapFile=./genetic_map_hg19_withX.txt.gz \
--statsFile=t1dgc_imputed_bolt.lmm.tab \
--statsFileBgenSnps=t1dgc_assoc_bolt-lmm.tab \
2>&1 | tee t1dgc_imputed_bolt-lmm.log
running above lines gave me error at chromosome 6, 9 and 14:
Checking BGEN file chr6.bgen
(with SAMPLE file t1dgc.sample)...
snpBlocks (Mbgen): 2954440
samples (Nbgen): 9630
CompressedSNPBlocks: 1
Layout: 2
first snpID:
first rsID: 6:63979:C:T
ERROR: 6:63979:C:T has Phased = 2 (not 0)
Checking BGEN file chr9.bgen
(with SAMPLE file t1dgc.sample)...
snpBlocks (Mbgen): 2014806
samples (Nbgen): 9630
CompressedSNPBlocks: 1
Layout: 2
first snpID:
first rsID: 9:10163:CT:C
Checking BGEN file chr14.bgen
(with SAMPLE file t1dgc.sample)...
snpBlocks (Mbgen): 1525681
samples (Nbgen): 9630
CompressedSNPBlocks: 1
Layout: 2
first snpID:
first rsID: 14:20000071:A:T
ERROR: 14:20000071:A:T has Phased = 2 (not 0)
when I ran the bolt lmm as follows:
bolt \
--bed=t1dgc_QC.S6.bed \
--bim=t1dgc_QC.S6.bim \
--fam=t1dgc_QC.S6.fam \
--bgenFile=chr{1,2,3,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22}.bgen \
--sampleFile=t1dgc.sample \
--bgenMinINFO=0.3 \
--phenoFile=t1dgc_pheno_4BOLT \
--phenoCol=T1D_Status \
--covarFile=t1dgc_pheno_4BOLT \
--covarCol=Sex \
--qCovarCol=PC{1:10} \
--numThreads=8 \
--lmm \
--LDscoresFile=./LDSCORE.1000G_EUR.tab.gz \
--geneticMapFile=./genetic_map_hg19_withX.txt.gz \
--statsFile=t1dgc_imputed_bolt.lmm.tab \
--statsFileBgenSnps=t1dgc_assoc_bolt-lmm.tab \
2>&1 | tee t1dgc_imputed_bolt-lmm.log
it ran but gave error at the following stage
=== Streaming genotypes to compute and write assoc stats at BGEN SNPs ===
BGEN file: chr1.bgen
Read 9630 indivs; using 9630 in filtered PLINK data
snpBlocks (Mbgen): 3718259
samples (Nbgen): 9630
CompressedSNPBlocks: 1
Layout: 2
ERROR: 1:15211:T:G has Phased = 2 (not 0)
these errors have something to do with the.bgen files but i do not know how to fix the issue.
Any help is highly appreciated.
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