I have a TF ChIP-seq wig file from NCBI GEO with the following top few lines:
track type=wiggle_0 name="Bed Format" description="xyz.tagAlign , smoothed, background-subtracted tag density" visibility=dense color=200,100,0 altColor=0,100,200 priority=20
X 5 40 8.01596910471638
X 105 140 9.84274069026994
X 205 240 10.3630144423714
I had to call peaks from this wig file so I converted this wig to bedgraph and used Macs subcommand bdgpeakcall. I got the ten-column output (copying first 3 lines):
track type=narrowPeak name="xyz_peak.bed" description="xyz_peak.bed" nextItemButton=on
chr2L 193 5728 xyz_peak.bed_narrowPeak1 323 . 0 0 0 2585
chr2L 5928 8328 xyz_R1_peak.bed_narrowPeak2 404 . 0 0 0 350
Is the header for this bed narrowpeak file same as it is for ENCODE bed narrowpeak file? The header for ENCODE bednarrow peak file is: chrom; chromStart; chromEnd; name; score; strand; signalValue; pValue; qValue; peak (Point-source called for this peak)
and I am trying to find if columns of Macs narrowpeak output represent same information. Specially for the last column, does it indicate ''Point-source called for this peak".
Thank you
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