#!/usr/bin/env python |
""" |
Demonstrates plotting chromosome ideograms and genes (or any features, really) |
using matplotlib. |
1) Assumes a file from UCSC's Table Browser from the "cytoBandIdeo" table, |
saved as "ideogram.txt". Lines look like this:: |
#chrom chromStart chromEnd name gieStain |
chr1 0 2300000 p36.33 gneg |
chr1 2300000 5300000 p36.32 gpos25 |
chr1 5300000 7100000 p36.31 gneg |
2) Assumes another file, "ucsc_genes.txt", which is a BED format file |
downloaded from UCSC's Table Browser. This script will work with any |
BED-format file. |
""" |
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt |
from matplotlib.collections import BrokenBarHCollection |
import pandas |
# Here's the function that we'll call for each dataframe (once for chromosome |
# ideograms, once for genes). The rest of this script will be prepping data |
# for input to this function |
# |
def chromosome_collections(df, y_positions, height, **kwargs): |
""" |
Yields BrokenBarHCollection of features that can be added to an Axes |
object. |
Parameters |
---------- |
df : pandas.DataFrame |
Must at least have columns ['chrom', 'start', 'end', 'color']. If no |
column 'width', it will be calculated from start/end. |
y_positions : dict |
Keys are chromosomes, values are y-value at which to anchor the |
BrokenBarHCollection |
height : float |
Height of each BrokenBarHCollection |
Additional kwargs are passed to BrokenBarHCollection |
""" |
del_width = False |
if 'width' not in df.columns: |
del_width = True |
df['width'] = df['end'] - df['start'] |
for chrom, group in df.groupby('chrom'): |
print chrom |
yrange = (y_positions[chrom], height) |
xranges = group[['start', 'width']].values |
yield BrokenBarHCollection( |
xranges, yrange, facecolors=group['colors'], **kwargs) |
if del_width: |
del df['width'] |
# Height of each ideogram |
chrom_height = 1 |
# Spacing between consecutive ideograms |
chrom_spacing = 1 |
# Height of the gene track. Should be smaller than `chrom_spacing` in order to |
# fit correctly |
gene_height = 0.4 |
# Padding between the top of a gene track and its corresponding ideogram |
gene_padding = 0.1 |
# Width, height (in inches) |
figsize = (6, 8) |
# Decide which chromosomes to use |
chromosome_list = ['chr%s' % i for i in range(1, 23) + ['M', 'X', 'Y']] |
# Keep track of the y positions for ideograms and genes for each chromosome, |
# and the center of each ideogram (which is where we'll put the ytick labels) |
ybase = 0 |
chrom_ybase = {} |
gene_ybase = {} |
chrom_centers = {} |
# Iterate in reverse so that items in the beginning of `chromosome_list` will |
# appear at the top of the plot |
for chrom in chromosome_list[::-1]: |
chrom_ybase[chrom] = ybase |
chrom_centers[chrom] = ybase + chrom_height / 2. |
gene_ybase[chrom] = ybase - gene_height - gene_padding |
ybase += chrom_height + chrom_spacing |
# Read in ideogram.txt, downloaded from UCSC Table Browser |
ideo = pandas.read_table( |
'ideogram.txt', |
skiprows=1, |
names=['chrom', 'start', 'end', 'name', 'gieStain'] |
) |
# Filter out chromosomes not in our list |
ideo = ideo[ideo.chrom.apply(lambda x: x in chromosome_list)] |
# Add a new column for width |
ideo['width'] = ideo.end - ideo.start |
# Colors for different chromosome stains |
color_lookup = { |
'gneg': (1., 1., 1.), |
'gpos25': (.6, .6, .6), |
'gpos50': (.4, .4, .4), |
'gpos75': (.2, .2, .2), |
'gpos100': (0., 0., 0.), |
'acen': (.8, .4, .4), |
'gvar': (.8, .8, .8), |
'stalk': (.9, .9, .9), |
} |
# Add a new column for colors |
ideo['colors'] = ideo['gieStain'].apply(lambda x: color_lookup[x]) |
# Same thing for genes |
genes = pandas.read_table( |
'ucsc_genes.txt', |
names=['chrom', 'start', 'end', 'name'], |
usecols=range(4)) |
genes = genes[genes.chrom.apply(lambda x: x in chromosome_list)] |
genes['width'] = genes.end - genes.start |
genes['colors'] = '#2243a8' |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) |
# Now all we have to do is call our function for the ideogram data... |
print("adding ideograms...") |
for collection in chromosome_collections(ideo, chrom_ybase, chrom_height): |
ax.add_collection(collection) |
# ...and the gene data |
print("adding genes...") |
for collection in chromosome_collections( |
genes, gene_ybase, gene_height, alpha=0.5, linewidths=0 |
): |
ax.add_collection(collection) |
# Axes tweaking |
ax.set_yticks([chrom_centers[i] for i in chromosome_list]) |
ax.set_yticklabels(chromosome_list) |
ax.axis('tight') |
plt.show() |
Fantastic work. I noticed a little mistake in the chromosome_collection function. line 61, facecolors should be group['colors'] and not df['colors']. thanks a lot anyway @Ryan_Dale
Ah, you're right. It wasn't raising an exception because it looks like
allows the colors to cycle, which means they don't have to be the same length as xrange, yrange. So the stain colors were wrong for all but the first chromosome. I updated the gist (code and plot) to fix this. Thank you, nice catch.Beautiful reply, and great code to continue with my Python and matlib trainings. I really appreciate your reply, and hope it's useful for more Biostarters!!!
@ Ryan Dale: How can I add multiple peak sets? I guess the one here is for one peak set. Could you please highlight that part or adjust the script that it works for more than one peakset.
I tried to run it and it did not work the same as on the picture I would recommend a karyoploteR library in R to make these vizualizations.