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3.6 years ago
I want to compare the gene expression of Diabetes type 2 for my experiment.
I have 3 samples: control, after treatment (drug A), After treatment (drug B).
There are about 20 genes relevant to the Genetics of type 2 diabetes. Is there any instruction on how to use a heat map for these genes in R?
I appreciate if you share me the link.
my second question: do you have an instruction/pipeline for KEGG diabetes type 2 pathway map?
You did not mentions what kind of instruction do you need?
Thanks for the link.
I imported the data into R
But, how draw a heat map for 20 genes?
I have lof2FC of each sample. How do I do the heatmap? Thanks in advance
You're doing lots of posts, all of them related to R errors. Did you read the manuals for EdgeR or DEseq2?? Every post is related to this subject. Did you load the
package? Please, read the manuals, show some effort in resolving those kinds of errors. A simple google search for this error will give you the answer!You don't have necessary package installed/loaded in your workspace.
This might help https://biocorecrg.github.io/CRG_RIntroduction/heatmap-2-function-from-gplots-package.html
If you are using R for the first time, please ask for help from your colleagues or as @brunobsouzaa suggested go through the basics of using R
Thanks Hyper-Odin
I have log2(Fold Change) for two groups. Is there any instruction/pipelines I can use for gene expression using log2(Fold Change) in R?
My second question? less than <? is downregulated and more than >? upregulated? Do you have instructions for that using log2(Fold Change)?
HelloHyper_Odin , NEBNext Ultra II + Full QC, Library Prep Kit (Illumina) and sequenced with NextSeq, HO150c single read).
I download log2fold change from basespaceIllumina in csv format.
Still lack of information or you don't know what you want to do... If you already have the log2fold change, it means that those files went through some pipeline and gave you those results. If you want to know how to build a heatmap, follow this topic. Another thing you can do is to use reactome to analyze your DE genes.
What does it mean Status: OK, or Low in RNA analysis?
Gene:WASH7P![enter image description here](/media/images/8291b0eb-d19a-43c0-a2d8-6da45856)
log2(Fold Change): 0.05
q Value:1.00E+00
Significant: FALSE
This comment above is completely out of context. Please edit the toplevel question and add a precise question. Otherwise this question might be deleted as it is basically a collection of comments without any content. As Hyper_Odin said already there is currently not enough details to add any answer.