I have an R data frame containing peptides in UniProtKB ID format. I used the Uniprot online conversion tool to convert these IDs to gene names. The output is a .txt file with the protein ID in column 1 and gene name in column 2. The issue is that the tool didn't find gene names for all of the protein IDs, so it's not a 1 to 1 list. There may be some peptides that don't have gene names assigned to them.
Examples of the peptide names:
So, I want to iterate through the column of my peptide list in R and if there is a match in the .txt file, I want to create a new column in my data frame in R and paste the gene name. I would appreciate some help as to how to do this.
Is there a way I could do this all in R rather than having to use the online converter tool?
Using EntrezDirect:
If there is no entry for a particular accession it generates a nasty error. No way around that.