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3.6 years ago
Seems like the new update (3.18.1) of Clusterprofiler no longer automatically matches GO IDs to ontologies
enrichGO(gene=my_gene_ids, keyType = "FLYBASE", OrgDb = org.Dm.eg.db, ont="ALL", pAdjustMethod = "BH", qvalueCutoff = 0.05, readable = TRUE)
Error in get("GO2ONT", envir = GO_DATA) : object 'GO2ONT' not found
I tried to create an object for GO2ONT, but in order to retrieve GO IDs for this object, I need to use the get_GO_data function. Looks like this function is no longer found in the Clusterprofiler package.
GO_DATA <- get_GO_data("org.Dm.eg.db", "ALL", "SYMBOL")
Error in get_GO_data("org.Dm.eg.db", "ALL", "SYMBOL") :
could not find function "get_GO_data"