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3.6 years ago
I have .Rtab data in which have 5 columns and 4311 rows...how to set them all on the axes? please help
I have .Rtab data in which have 5 columns and 4311 rows...how to set them all on the axes? please help
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Please find the ggplot2 heat map demo. pheatmap is also a very good option for heatmap generation in R. However, 4311 rows is a very high number and you can set top 50/100 to show in heatmap.
but how I will set, I have to create heat map on entire data
Though ggplot can output heatmap, but please consider using dedicated libraries such as complexheatmap, pheatmap etc.
There are really plenty of posts on heatmapping. For pure ggplot2 try e.g. https://github.com/XiaoLuo-boy/ggheatmap. Another package beyond those mentioned already would be ComplexHeatmap.
yes I have to first extract data.... how I will extract accessory genome from core using excel? guide please
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